Percepcja szans sukcesu sportowego i jej psychologiczne implikacje dla kobiet i mezczyzn

(Wahrnehmung von Chancen für sportlichen Erfolg und resultierende Folgerungen bei Männern und Frauen)

As follows from studies on the motivational goal perspective, women appear to be stronger motivated than men by the ego-task orientation (self-perfection). The latter are predominantly driven by the personal orientation (winning in a competition). However, that view is not reflected in the perceived sport capacities of women. Irrespectively of the exhibited motivational tendency, men display a more positive self-image than women. The aim of the study has been to find out whether the subjective assessment of odds for success overcomes gender-related differences in the perceived predispositions for sports and in the dominating type of orientation (task vs. personal). Male (n = 41) and female (n = 29) fencers (mean age 18 years, mean athletic experience 6 years) were studied with use of questionnaire technique. The perceived sport predispositions and odds for a future success were measured by Likert- and Thurstone-types of scales, and the motivational task-ego orientation by the Perceived Competence scale. In general, higher perceived odds for success are associated with a stronger task orientation and higher perceived sport predispositions, irrespectively of gender. However, women feel a high chance for success considerably less frequently than men: only about 25% of women have such feelings, and about 20% of women rate their chances for success as low. The latter ones exhibit a pronounced motivational personal orientation and low perceived sport predispositions, which is an unfavourable prognosis of a long lasting sport career. The attitude to see own capacities in relation to those of contestants, confronted with a reduced self-esteem and poor perspectives of success, induces in those women the feeling of a failed self-accomplishment and of non-fulfillment.
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Schlagworte: Befragung Fechten Leistung Motivation Sportpsychologie Technik Untersuchungsmethode
Notationen: Kampfsportarten Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften
Veröffentlicht in: Medycyna sportowa
Veröffentlicht: 2001
Jahrgang: 123
Dokumentenarten: elektronische Zeitschrift
Sprache: Polnisch
Level: hoch