Biomechanical characteristics of V1 skate technique of elite Nordic combined skiers

(Biomechanische Merkmale der V1-Schlittschuhtechnik von Eliteskiläufern der nordischen Kombination)

Objective of the study was to analyze the V1 skate ski double poling competitive techniques of the world Nordic combined elite. Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed the video recordings of ski techniques of 20 Nordic combined skiers, who had demonstrated the best results in the ski race by the Gundersen method at the world championship. We determined the speed of movement, stride length and frequency, angular and spatial characteristics of ski technique in the 10 km pursuit race, as well as the dynamics of indicators on the four distance laps. Results and conclusions. The study found the following specifics of the skate ski double poling techniques of the leading Nordic combined competitors: the lower leg to the surface angle is kept under 60° to facilitate the body center of mass push forward at the sub-squatting moment; asymmetric double poling move by arms and legs to maintain the run speed by rather a wider stride than special kick-off efforts; shoulders are turned when leaning on the poles towards the support leg for the stride effectiveness at some sacrifice for the poling effort efficiency; relatively even pace on the distance with the speed acceleration on the last lap mostly due to the pace being increased; and the cross-country skiing race time was found largely determined by the run speed on ascends and stride on every lap. The study data and findings are recommended to be taken into account by the Russian Nordic combined training system updating projects. Further comparative studies of the world strongest Nordic combined competitors` racing techniques are recommended.
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Schlagworte: Nordische Kombination Skilanglauf Technik Biomechanik
Notationen: Ausdauersportarten Kraft-Schnellkraft-Sportarten
Tagging: Skatingtechnik Doppelstockschub
Veröffentlicht in: Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
Veröffentlicht: 2020
Ausgabe: Titel des russischen originals (Print): Biomechaniceskie parametry techniki odnovremennogo dvuchšažnogo kon'kovogo choda sil'nejšich lyžnikov-dvoeborcev
Heft: 7
Seiten: 82-84 (Printversion)
Dokumentenarten: Artikel
Sprache: Englisch
Level: hoch