Physical qualities versus competitive performance in elite women tennis: correlation analysis

(Physische Qualitäten versus Wettkampfleistung im Elite-Damentennis: Korrelationsanalyse )

Objective of the study was to analyze the physical qualities / functionality versus competitive performance test rates and their correlations for the women`s tennis elite. Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study a few elite women tennis players and tested their functionality and physical qualities by a staged progress test program. Thus the aerobic capacities of the sample were tested by a load-stepping treadmill test till failure, with the load stepped every 2 minutes. The anaerobic alactate capacities were tested by a 6-second top-intensity cycle ergometer test. And the physical fitness of the sample was tested by a standard set of 12 tests traditional for the national tennis sport. Results and conclusions. The study found the physical fitness / functionality test rates statistically significantly correlated with the competitive performance rates, with percentage contributions of the individual physical qualities/ functionality rates to the competitive performance - and thereby recommend the priority physical training elements for women`s tennis elite. The study also found deficiencies and inefficiencies in the training systems in the competitive progress securing domain, to offer recommendations on how the women`s tennis elite training systems should be revised.
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Schlagworte: Tennis weiblich Leistung Wettkampf Relation Leistungsfähigkeit
Notationen: Spielsportarten
Tagging: funktioneller Zustand funktionelle Leistung
Veröffentlicht in: Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
Veröffentlicht: 2020
Ausgabe: Titel des russischen Originals (print): Vzaimosvjaz' fiziceskich kacestv tennisistok vysokoj kvalifikacii i rezul'tatov ich sorevnovatel'noj dejatel'nosti
Heft: 8
Seiten: 14-16 (print)
Dokumentenarten: Artikel
Sprache: Englisch
Level: hoch